Picture of the Week

Picture of the Week

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Gentry's Farm

Our annual trip to Gentry's Farm was yesterday. We went last year for the first time, and loved it so it has become a tradition. Gentry's Farm is located in Franklin, TN and they have so many activities for the kids. Some of the things set up are a pumpkin patch, hayride, mini corn maze, a corn maze, & a nature trail. This year we invited Grandma and Grandpa (Clyde's parents) to come along with us.

We had a blast and got tons of pictures. We picked out 3 pumpkins (one small one for Logan) and spent a good amount of time at the farm. Logan was pretty tired, due to a 10 min nap the day before, so he wasn't very excited about pictures, but overall it was a good day.

Here are some of our favorite pictures.

SHS C/O 98 Reunion

Two weekends ago, we went down to Alabama to attend my 10 year reunion (high school). They planned a weekend event, which included a football game, park day, dj w/ dinner, and then brunch on Sunday morning. On Friday night, I met up with 3 other ladies (Courtney Horton, Sherry Nance, and Caroline Flowers) for dinner and then we all went together to the football game. It was so much fun and felt like I was back in highschool again.

On Saturday Clyde, Logan and I attended the family park day. Logan had a blast playing with the other kids on the playgroud. That night, Clyde and I got all dressed up and went to the dinner. We sat with two old friends and their husbands. It was a fun event.

Here are some pictures from the festivities.
Logan and I before the football game

Clyde and I before the dinner

Our Family

The class of 98 (or those that came)

It has been awhile

Wow! I just realized how long it has been since my last post. I want to apologize to those of you that read our blog. I guess I am not very good at keeping it updated. I am going to try to keep it up to date from now on. Things here are pretty crazy. It is hard to believe it is already the middle of October. We have been busy with birthday parties, baby showers, and several family outings. Last weekend I walked in the Race 4 a Cure in Nashville. My intentions was to run it, but after trying to run in our cooler weather I realized it wasn't going to happen with my asthma. So I decided to walk instead. I rode w/ some members of the mom's club and we parked at LP Field (Titan's stadium). We walked across the pedestrian bridge down to Riverfront Park in Nashville. It was a long hike, so total that day I think we got about 5 miles in instead of the 3 we signed up for. It was a nice morning, and very emotional to all involved. It amazed me to see the many stories of young women suffering from breast cancer. I can't imagine what they are going through and hope that it never affects me or anyone in my family. In total, 1 million dollars was raised, and over 10,000 people walked in the race. Hopefully it will help find a cure. After the race, Clyde and I met up with my mom and her boyfriend, Stan. We went to the Auburn/Vanderbilt game. It was a great afternoon, even though Auburn lost to Vandy. I think we were probably the only two Auburn fans who secretly were cheering on Vandy. It was good to see them play well. As for Logan, he is doing well. It is hard to believe that in less than 1 month he will be 2 years old. Thankfully he is sweet as can be, and is becoming easier and easier to deal with. He is repeating absolutely everything we say, and is really starting to get a wacky personality. Here is a small video of Logan playing football, one of his favorite sports.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Zoo

We picked the absolute hottest/ busiest day to go to the zoo, but Clyde and I took Logan on Labor Day to see the Nashville Zoo. Logan and I went about a year ago, so I was hoping he would enjoy it more. We had a good time, and thankfully he enjoyed it. He loved walking around and checking out all the animals. His favorite parts were the meerkats, the elephants (who were playing in the water), and the petting zoo. Thankfully he wasn't real sure about touching all the animals in the petting zoo, but did enjoy chasing the goats around.
Here are some pictures from our hot but fun adventure.
Watching the Meerkats

Taking a snack break in the stroller

Big Kitty Kats- as Logan said over and over again.

The Petting Zoo- Watching the momma goat, and brushing the baby goat

Logan and I with the elephants

Clyde and Logan with the giraffes

Finally he is learning how to ride on shoulders properly

Monday, September 1, 2008

Birthday Party

This weekend has been extremely busy but very fun. On Sunday, Logan was invited to a birthday party at Pump It Up, in Brentwood. For those of you who have never heard of Pump It Up, it is an inflatable party zone. The party was for 2 hours, and we spent most of the time jumping/playing on the inflatables.

When we first got there Logan was nervous about the noise but quickly got excited to be there. He had a hard time getting his balance on the inflatables, but still enjoyed his time (even if most of it was spent sitting or crawling around). At the end of the party he got his legs to work, and was busy chasing Clyde around the room. I am not sure who had more fun, Clyde or Logan.

The kids waiting to play (notice all the boys are wearing light blue shirts and khaki shorts- that was not planned)and a group shot of some of the kids at the end of the party

There were huge slides to go down, an obsticle course to climb through, etc.. Here are some of our favorite pictures of the party.

Visit with Lyndsey

I know it has been a few weeks since I last updated. Sorry things here are a little crazy. A few weeks ago we had a surprise visit from Clyde's brother, Keith and his family, wife Kristina and daughter Lyndsey. Lyndsey is exactly 9 months (to the day) younger than Logan. They have such a wonderful time together so we were happy to have them visit.

Here are some pictures from our visit.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Slow week

I just wanted to apologize for no new posts this week. Logan and I have felt pretty crappy this week, due to yucky colds. But we are now starting to get better, and today actually ventured out of the house for a few errands. Hopefully it will skip over Clyde.

Clyde did get to do something fun this week. Tuesday night, his boss and a few others got tickets to go to the Grand Ole Opry. They also got backstage passes, which I am extremely jealous about. He met & shook hands with big Country stars such as Trace Adkins, Diamond Rio, and a few others. He had fun for a guy who isn't that big of a fan of Country music. Sorry no pictures though, he left the camera at home.

Anyway, Hopefully this weekend we will do something entertaining with some cute pictures. We are still here though I promise!!