Picture of the Week

Picture of the Week

Sunday, October 12, 2008

It has been awhile

Wow! I just realized how long it has been since my last post. I want to apologize to those of you that read our blog. I guess I am not very good at keeping it updated. I am going to try to keep it up to date from now on. Things here are pretty crazy. It is hard to believe it is already the middle of October. We have been busy with birthday parties, baby showers, and several family outings. Last weekend I walked in the Race 4 a Cure in Nashville. My intentions was to run it, but after trying to run in our cooler weather I realized it wasn't going to happen with my asthma. So I decided to walk instead. I rode w/ some members of the mom's club and we parked at LP Field (Titan's stadium). We walked across the pedestrian bridge down to Riverfront Park in Nashville. It was a long hike, so total that day I think we got about 5 miles in instead of the 3 we signed up for. It was a nice morning, and very emotional to all involved. It amazed me to see the many stories of young women suffering from breast cancer. I can't imagine what they are going through and hope that it never affects me or anyone in my family. In total, 1 million dollars was raised, and over 10,000 people walked in the race. Hopefully it will help find a cure. After the race, Clyde and I met up with my mom and her boyfriend, Stan. We went to the Auburn/Vanderbilt game. It was a great afternoon, even though Auburn lost to Vandy. I think we were probably the only two Auburn fans who secretly were cheering on Vandy. It was good to see them play well. As for Logan, he is doing well. It is hard to believe that in less than 1 month he will be 2 years old. Thankfully he is sweet as can be, and is becoming easier and easier to deal with. He is repeating absolutely everything we say, and is really starting to get a wacky personality. Here is a small video of Logan playing football, one of his favorite sports.

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