Picture of the Week

Picture of the Week

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Slow week

I just wanted to apologize for no new posts this week. Logan and I have felt pretty crappy this week, due to yucky colds. But we are now starting to get better, and today actually ventured out of the house for a few errands. Hopefully it will skip over Clyde.

Clyde did get to do something fun this week. Tuesday night, his boss and a few others got tickets to go to the Grand Ole Opry. They also got backstage passes, which I am extremely jealous about. He met & shook hands with big Country stars such as Trace Adkins, Diamond Rio, and a few others. He had fun for a guy who isn't that big of a fan of Country music. Sorry no pictures though, he left the camera at home.

Anyway, Hopefully this weekend we will do something entertaining with some cute pictures. We are still here though I promise!!

1 comment:

Rachel@AllergenFreePlease said...

Why does Clyde always get to do the fun stuff? Just kidding :) Looking forward to our play date this coming week!